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Meet Andrea

Modern Mystic, Yoga Teacher, & Visionary Guide


My life path can be summed up as a walking of a labyrinth toward the Great Mystery of Life, living the timeless question, "Who, what, and why am I?", and seeking high, low, within, and beyond for the ten thousand expressions of the Divine.


There have been many portals to the Divine along the way, and they include: yoga, meditation, plant medicine journeys, mystical poetry, the practices and philosophy of yoga and Eastern wisdom traditions, trainings and 8 years as a Thai Massage Therapist, astrology, ayurveda, herbalism, life coach trainings, treasured books, long walks in the woods, and the work of Clarissa Estes, Joseph Campbell, and Carl Jung, who helped to ground all of these pieces together into a map of human consciousness, archetypes, and the psyche.


I have woven these incredibly rich teachings together into courses, coaching sessions, retreats, yoga classes, and the very fibers of my being in service of YOU and every human who is ready to come into Sacred Union with your Higher Self and become who you incarnated on this planet to BE.  


The time is now.  Take my hand.

Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now." ~ William Hutchinson Murray

Qualifications and Experience

Bachelor of Arts, Environmental Studies, focus on Eco-Feminism, University of Vermont, 1999-2003

Senior Thesis - Garden Sanctuary for Women, Theory and Design, 2003

Yoga Teacher Certification, Finding Inner Peace, Cape Cod, MA, 2008

500-Hour Yoga Teacher Training (partially completed before moving to CA), Sanctuary Studio, Plymouth, MA 2010-2011

Yoga for Pregnancy Certification, Sanctuary Studio, Plymouth, MA, September, 2011

Thai Massage Certification, Nirvana School of Thai Massage, 2013-2014

Certified Massage Practitioner, Healing Arts Institute, 2013-2014

Women's Temple Facilitator Training, Awakening Women, Nevada City, CA, 2015

Thai Massage Trainings, SpiritWinds School of Thai Massage, 2016-2019

  • Jap Sen Herbal Thai, Levels 1&2, Chi Nei Tsang

Hakomi Level 1, Hakomi Institute of California, San Francisco, CA, 2017

500-Hour Tantra Yoga Teacher Training, The Wild Temple, 2018-2020

Landmark Forum, Sacramento, CA, 2019

Landmark Advanced Forum, Sacramento, CA, 2019

Co-Active Coaching Certification, Co-Active Institute, 2020

Jungian Life Coaching Certification, CreativeMind, 2021

Women's Wisdom School, Awakening Women, 2022

Mystic Astrology Level 1, 2022

Mystic Astrology Level 2, Apprenticeship, March 2002 -November 2022

Astrology of Relationships, New Paradigm Astrology, January 2023

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